Monday 22 September 2014


Sunday was a gorgeous day in Cork!  It was around sixty degrees and sunny, almost feeling like the weather at home.  It was a perfect day and a great way to end the week.

I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and go for a run around the park near the gym (my new favorite spot).  It was buzzing with people all over the place!  It was so nice being out and about in the presence of so many people and families, it made me so excited for mine to visit!

After my run, I came home and got ready for our tailgate.  Jane had the great idea of recreating a football tailgate with the Holy Cross students in Cork, as well as some of our adopted HC friends!  We all brought our own dishes and drinks and played a bunch of fun games.  I made a taco, cream cheese, and bean dip, which surprisingly came out okay!  I had to improvise on some of the ingredients, but it all worked out.  We had so much food (cookies by Chelsea, Muddy Buddies by Jane, nachos by Grace, buffalo chicken dip by Nicole, potato skins by Molly, and so much more) it was amazing!  I was in a food coma for the rest of the night.

The tailgate was a lot of fun and definitely made me miss some good old American Football at home!  A fall favorite of mine is going to Amherst games in the big red truck with Dad's gourmet food (plus Atkins cider doughnuts, Flayvors, and Freshside).  Maybe we can recreate that when they come to visit :)

Be back later! 



The river on my run

Pretty flowers on the UCC campus on my way back from my run! 


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