Tuesday 16 September 2014

Officially Enrolled

Registration for classes here is SO much different than Holy Cross registration.  There is no rise and shine at the crack of dawn, screaming/crying/floods of emails, or any of that great stuff I totally miss (sense the sarcasm)!!!  You simply write down the classes you have shopped for and turn the paper in.  You would think I would remember to do that, right? Well, my exploring and fun got to me when I remembered at the very last minute this afternoon that I had to hand this paper in, TODAY.  Thankfully, it was relatively easy.  I think it is safe to say 5 out of my 6 classes are finalized.  Crazy!  It is September 16th and I am just finishing picking my classes...

After my class craziness, I went for a run to clear my head before getting to my (prolonged) paper.  It was another gorgeous day here in Cork City.  I needed to soak up the not-rainy air as long as I could.  Supposedly the rain is making its way in.  Not something I am looking forward to at all!  Along my run I stopped at Grace's to say hi and discuss our upcoming Paris trip.  My life seems kind of fake even to me right now...

I eventually got to my paper later this evening, and I am almost done!  I think it is time I really got into my school mode.  It is so hard to focus when living in another country!  At least when I am at HC and I am buried in the stacks of Dinand I know I am only missing the buzz around campus.  Doing homework in Cork means I am missing out on some precious time exploring the city.  This is definitely something I am going to have to get used to.  Have I said it enough, thank goodness I have a year here?

Be back tomorrow, hopefully reporting back that I have finished my paper!



The view outside one of my classes.

Exploring on my run!

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