Monday 15 September 2014

Do I Have to Start School?

Classes are officially in full swing for me now!  I had one more new class today, Social Geography.  It seems like a really interesting class concerning the content, the professor may be a little tough, however.  But, there is no final exam, and we were given the final paper topic, so I cannot complain!  I am really happy with my class choices for this semester.  I guess we will have to wait and see what I will be saying in the next few months... One day down, three to go until the weekend!

I booked one more trip today! I am going to Paris with Grace for her 21st birthday, along with one of her Wake Forest friends, and Lindsay, my HC friend who is just moving out to England this week!  I am so excited, I have an amazing semester planned with great trip and even better people :).  So far the travel schedule looks as follows:

9/25-9/28 Munich, Germany (Oktoberfest)
10/3-10/13 Mom, Dad, Nana, Big B, Uncle Greg, Carolyn Caldwell, and Care come!!!
10/17-10/19 York, England (visiting Lindsay!)
10/24-10/26 Brussels, Belgium
11/7-11/9 Paris, France (Grace's birthday!)
11/13-11/16 Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Chelsea's birthday!)

This semester is going to FLY by, time needs to slow down! I am hoping to squeeze in a few more trips, maybe Northern Ireland or Barcelona?  Thank goodness I have a year here.  How else would I get to visit (almost) everywhere?

Well, back to writing my last Early Start essay.  Do you think my professor would let me write 1500 words on how excited I am about the rest of this semester?  I mean, I doubt he really cares about my thoughts on the Romans in Ireland...

Be back tomorrow (hopefully more progressed on my paper)!


The garden at UCC.

One of the UCC buildings, it reminded me of the HC buildings :)

FINALLY, after a month, I finished my photo wall! Now I definitely feel like I am at HC!

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