Friday 12 September 2014

New Hidden Gems

I could really get used to not having class on Fridays when I return back to HC next year!  It was nice catching up on some sleep, cleaning my house, and just getting organized.  And, even better, I still have two more days left of the weekend!

Jane and I met up with Grace this morning in hopes of trying out a new restaurant.  We discovered the Paradise Crepes Restaurant.  It was an adorable little place down one of the side streets in the City Centre.  I got the Maya Bee crepe, which had brie, honey, ham, bacon, and a raspberry vinaigrette dressing.  It was definitely one of the best dishes I have had so far while in Ireland!  The sweet ones looked delicious too, so this must mean I have to go back again to try them, right???  After crepes, we stopped at O'Conaills for some hot chocolate.  This was conveniently located right across the street, and we could not walk by without having Grace try it! I had the white, milk, dark chocolate praline--my new favorite flavor!

The morning was such a nice, relaxing, time.  I came home to an empty apartment.  My Irish roommates went home for the weekend, as most Irish students tend to do.  I love the girls I live with, but it was nice to have some quiet time and a chance to clean up the apartment and put it back together for the start of the week.  I know this will make my mom as happy as it made me, they have Pledge here!  I felt as if I had struck gold when I found it.  Ah the little things that make you happy when you are a neat freak...

After cleaning up,  I booked my first few trips!  Jane, Grace, and I booked Belgium for the weekend of October 24th, and then Holy Cross girls and I booked Amsterdam for the weekend of November 14th, which is Chelsea's birthday weekend!  It is all getting to be so real, and I am even more excited about this year than I was before (I didn't even know that was possible!).

To end off a great day, I went to a spin class.  I hadn't been on the bike in a while, so it felt great to be back in the studio :)

A huge shoutout to one of my best friends, Lindsay, as she starts her abroad journey today!  Can't wait to see you on this side of the pond, my love!

Be back tomorrow!!



Deliciousness #2

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