Friday 19 September 2014

Gelato is Good for the Soul

I have jinxed the good weather, unfortunately.  It looks like rain for the next few days :(  But, I knew the trick to solve rainy day blues- gelato!

Grace, Jane and I got ice cream for lunch today.  It is becoming a new ritual for us to try somewhere new on our days off.  I have been dying for gelato, and this place, Scúp, has gotten a lot of great reviews.  It was my mission to try it before I start my travels!  I have to say, I was very impressed.  I got hazelnut and a malt ball gelato in a cone.  They servings were pretty hefty, which was perfect for my meal replacement!  If you know me, you would know I have a hard time finishing ice cream.  I encountered this trouble today, but I really wanted the cone!  Jane and I did some teamwork and skipped the gelato part and got right to the good stuff (my ice cream-loving family is rolling their eyes right now, I am sure!), I too was disappointed in myself.  After gelato, we walked around Oliver Plunkitt Street for a while.  We found out where are the top restaurants in Cork City are, which is perfect because my parents and the rest of my family will be here so soon!  I am staking out the good spots for us to check out, and for you to spoil me at dinner with a good meal :)

After our afternoon of exploring, Grace, Jane, and I went to an evening spin class.  Jane and I accidentally got there an hour early (oops), so we went to the sauna to kill time.  It was so relaxing, I felt like I was at the spa!  The spin class was a great way to end the day, and I had an awesome start to the weekend.

Tomorrow we are hopefully going to Cobh for the afternoon.  Be back with details of the day!



P.S. Good luck to my Saint Francis Foundation family with MIRACLES XXV on Saturday!!  I know it will be a huge success!

Jane and me stuck in the rain!


Hello, gorgeous.


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