Sunday 14 September 2014

One Month!

Today is my one month mark in Cork.  That is CRAZY to me!  I cannot believe how fast this month has gone by, and I can only imagine how the rest of the year will go.  To say I have had the greatest month of my life, well that would be a large understatement.  Cork City has become my home, and I am so happy about that.

It is mind-boggling to me how I am still finding amazing shops in hidden nooks and crannies here in the City.  This morning I walked into town to grab a few groceries I forgot yesterday, and decided that I would find a coffee shop.  I wandered down a very small side street and discovered Dukes Coffee Company.  There were so many selections to choose from!  I had definitely wandered into the right place.  I ended up ordering one of my favorite fall classic drinks, a chai latte.  It definitely hit the spot!  I walked around a little more, enjoying the gorgeous day.  I probably should have been doing a little homework, but this city such a distraction!

After my time wandering, I came home and made my turkey meatloaf.  It was a success!  Thank you for the hall, Dad!  I think I have enough meatloaf to last me for the next three least that means less cooking for a while :)

Be back tomorrow with reports of some new classes!


A trad sesh outside of Tesco!

Inside Dukes Coffee Company:


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