Sunday 14 September 2014

Sunny Saturday

Saturday was a gorgeous day in Cork! I know I have said this a million times, but the weather has been perfect so far since I have been here.  Thankfully I got to enjoy this nice weather and be outside for part of the day :)

Jane and I went to the English Market when we woke up to pick up some stuff to prepare us for the week.  It was almost hot when we were walking there!  But, I cannot complain.  I am definitely not ready for the rain and colder weather to move in.  At the Market, I bought some items to make a meatloaf and meatballs.  I will be trying this out tonight, so I will report back with details.  I don't know if they will come out as good as my dad's meatballs and meatloaf, but we will see!  I also got the makings for one of my dad's best dishes, sausage, broccoli, red pepper, and pasta.  I made this for dinner last night, and it came out great!

After the Market, I went to a spin class with Grace.  It was a great class and got me out of the house a little more to enjoy the great weather since I had to walk to the gym.  The spin classes here have been pretty good so far.  I am interested to see which ones I like more when I get home, the ones in Ireland or the United States!

To end a great day, Jane and I met Grace and some of the girls in her program at the Franciscan Well Brewery.  It was the perfect place we were looking for.  We were able to sit outside in the beer garden under the heat lamps and just hang out.  The Franciscan is one of my favorite spots here in Cork so far.  I can't wait to bring everyone there when they come to visit!

Tonight we are going to try and have a "tailgate" with lots of food and games.  I will let you know how it goes if we end up having it!

Be back soon!



The sunny City Centre


Me at the Franciscan Well Brewery 

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