Wednesday 10 September 2014


Jane and I got a a jump start on the day today and went to the Immigration Office!  We had to have these logistics done by September 14th, and I cannot believe how quickly that is approaching.  After a long few hours of waiting in line, getting finger prints taken, asked many questions, I can finally say that I am legally immigrated for the year.  I am allowed to be here until September 2015, just in case I feel like never leaving come May ;)

After dealing with the Immigration Office, I came home to get ready for classes.  I had two new classes today, the Sociology of the Community, and a history, the Politics of Church and State.  I really like the sociology class, and my lecturer seems super nice!  My history course is a little intimidating, especially because I am not a history buff at all!  However, a lot of my USD friends are in the class, so that will make it a little bit more bearable.

BIG NEWS: There is a Starbucks on the UCC campus!  It is knows as the Coffee Dock, but serves all Starbucks brand items.  I decided to splurge a little today and get a venti Carmel Macchiato, so delish!  Hopefully they have Pumpkin Spice Lattes--I have a feeling this may be dangerous finding a Starbucks on campus...

Three days down, one to go!  After class, I met up with Grace for dinner.  We went to Scoozi's, which is an Italian/American restaurant in the City Centre.  Maureen's friend Jenna, who is originally from Cork, recommended it to me and it was good!  I got the Bella Burger, a burger with a mushroom and white wine sauce.  I figured I would get something that I cannot make on my own, and I have yet to master the art of making a burger on the stove, so it was an easy decision! I had a lot of fun, and I am so happy Grace is here for the semester.  It definitely gives me a taste of home!

Be back tomorrow!




A pretty view of the River Lee on my walk home from the Immigration Office.

Carmel Heaven

A great dinner!

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