Saturday 20 September 2014

Cobh- The Isle of Smiles

Today Jane, Grace, Chelsea, Nicole, Julia, Molly, and I went to Cobh, Co. Cork for the day.  Cobh is a famous, very small, port town right outside of Cork City.  We were so lucky with the weather, it was not too hot and not too cold, and no rain!  Definitely a perfect day.

We began the day by catching the city bus a little after 10 AM in order to get the the train station.  This was only a fifteen or twenty minute ride, and we had plenty of time to catch out 11 am train.  Thankfully Jane checked out all of the logistics for the trip (thanks, Jane!)!  It was very easy and successful.

When we arrived in Cobh (pronounced Cove), we walked around for a little while.  The town was very quiet, not surprisingly, it was a Saturday morning!  But, it was nice enjoying the calm water view and taking our time.  After walking around for a little bit, we grabbed lunch at Gilberts.  I got the seafood chowder--it was so tasty and hit the spot!  Once we finished lunch, we headed up the the famous St. Colman's Cathedral.  This is the image you would see if you Googled Cork.  It is a gorgeous, massive church, on top of a hill.  In front of the cathedral, there a lots of colorful houses, known as the "Deck of Cards Houses."  I took lots of pictures :)  There was a flower festival going on, so we were unable to go inside.  However, it made for a very pretty setting outside of the church!

Later, we walked back into the town center and found out that it was "Open Day."  There was live music, lots of activities, and loads of people filling the town green.  The girls and I decided to enjoy a tea and scone while taking all of this in.  I was in awe of the beauty of Cobh.  It was so bright and cheery, and even better, by the water.  I loved being able to sit back and truly appreciate where I was and take in the gorgeous sea vistas.

Eventually, we headed back home and got in around 5 PM.  I ran some errands with Grace in preparation of our "tailgate" tomorrow!  I wanted to stay outside as long as I could and enjoy the sunshine.

Be back with updates on the tailgate cooking!



P.S.  I hope MIRACLES was a great success!

Me, Jane, and Grace on the rocky shoreline!


Me at the flower festival!

Picturesque Cobh

Scone and tea time!

The very colorful harbor.

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