Monday 22 September 2014

Back to Reality, Sort of?

So, today I officially received access to the site where my class assignments are posted.  I think that means it is time I get to work?  But, abroad work is definitely different that Holy Cross work...I have to say I do not miss dying in the Dinand stacks.  However, I am actually excited to maybe get some homework some and be a little productive!

Today was a normal Monday for me.  I went to two of my classes, one of which I accidentally went to the wrong classroom for (whoops).  It is hard to keep track of where to go!  But, I eventually got to the correct place, I feel like is it freshman year all over again!  After class, Jane and I went to the gym and had a nice long steam session post-run.  I could really get used to a steam room everyday, and not just because it is filled with adorable Irish men (but that is a plus)!  However, at the gym I got yelled at by a worker for texting!  I never knew it was against the rules, and I am bummed because it is one of my WiFi spots.  I guess I will just have to be more sneaky!

Jane and I came back to my place for dinner after our workouts.  I became a little creative for dinner and made a quinoa, chickpea, carrot, and lemon mixture.  It was not bad, I love quinoa and I am trying to get rid of some of my food before I leave for Germany!  Speaking of Germany, during dinner, Jane and I looked up some information for Oktoberfest.  This got me SO excited for the upcoming weekend, and we are starting to make a lot of plans.  Munich looks like a really interesting city!  It should be an awesome weekend with some HC friends.

Be back tomorrow!



A quiet UCC campus.



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