Wednesday 10 September 2014

Schedule Changes

I had two classes Tuesday, my Cultures of Cities one, and a Language Literature one.  I had a little bump in the road and decided that the Language Literature class is not for me, so I had to do some last minute scrambling!  I am now taking a Music in Modern Ireland course, which seems like it will be very interesting.  Who knows, maybe when I am home in December I will be able to play some trad music!

I have two new Irish roommates, Orna and Meadhbh (pronounced, "Maeve").  I LOVE them!  Both of the girls are from Tipperary, and they knew each other prior to moving in.  They're the sweetest, funniest, nicest people I could have asked to live with.  They think it is so funny to hear me talk in my "American accent."  Orna insisted that we FaceTime Mom and Dad last night, and she got such a kick out of them!  She cannot wait to meet you guys :).  Both Orna and Meadhbh make me feel like I am at home here, and the even want me to visit Tipperary with them soon!  I could not be happier to be living with them for the whole year.

Freshers week still continues with lots of events and activity going on around campus!  I do not know how people can keep up with it, it makes me exhausted!  But, it has been such a fun week and I love meeting all of these new people.  

The weather has been sunny and 65 here all week, it is gorgeous!  I have been spoiled by the sunshine and I'm not ready to experience the rain...

Be back soon!!


My walk home from class:

Meadhbh, myself, and Orna

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