Tuesday 9 September 2014

Day One- Check!

I successfully finished my first day as a UCC student!  Day one of week one down, three more to go!  Campus was buzzing with lots of activity, and LOTS of people.  It was fun to see what life at a bigger school is like!

I went to class (very) early so I could find where I was going and make sure everything was all set.  My first class was Social Geography.  However, after sitting in the classroom for about fifteen minutes, I learned that it was cancelled!  That was an easy class...

I walked around campus to check out all of the action that was happening by the student center.  This week is "Fresher's Week," sort of like a welcome week.  There were carts of food, hot chocolate, informational tents, radio stations, everything, all over the patio.  It all look so delicious and entertaining!  Everyone seemed really happy and excited to be back.  It definitely got me in the school mode!

My second class of the day was a sociology class, Cultures of Cities.  I loved this class so much!  It seems like it will be really interesting, and the professor seems awesome (a plus- no exams!).  It was a small class, around thirty people, so it resembled an HC sociology class slightly, making me feel right at home.  

There are events going on all week for Fresher's Week!  Last night we went to the Holy Cow, which was a lot of fun, and packed with students!  

Let's see what day two brings me!  Be back soon!


The buzz!

Me, Heather, Molly, Nichola, Nicole at the Holy Cow.

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