Monday 1 September 2014

Franciscan Well- Check!

One more item off of the Bucket List- the Franciscan Well Brewery!  After attempting to write parts of our papers today, we felt that we should go out and relax.  Franciscan was on our minds!

After class, and doing lots and lots of laundry, I attempted to figure out my class schedule for this semester.  The courses are very different here, and I have to take six classes, rather than my normal four.  That is a BIG difference and something that I do not think I will ever get used to!  However, I finally think I got it nailed out (with the help of Jane), and it looks like there are no classes on Fridays!  Now that is something I could get used to.  Once I have everything straightened out, I will let you know what I am taking :)

We finally went to the Franciscan Well Brewery later this evening!  It was a great time.  We sat outside, under the many heat lamps (crazy to think I am under heat lamps while everyone is melting back home), and enjoyed the scene.  Some of the USD kids met up with us because their apartments are right across the River Lee, which was really nice of them to join us!  We munched on a pizza, did a "cheers" to the Bucket List, and overall had a wonderful time.

Tomorrow is off to the Blarney Castle!

Also, a VERY happy birthday to two of the strongest women I know, my Nana, and my cousin, Meghan!  I miss you two very much and I hope you had a great day!  I love you!

Be back soon!



Me with a "Blarney Blonde"


So many people! 

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