Sunday 31 August 2014

The Bells are Ringin'

Time to mark some more items off of the Bucket List today!  I woke up feeling a little more energized, so I felt that it was a great day to do some mindless activities.  Jane and I decided to conquer the ringing of the Shandon Bells at Saint Anne's Church, and then go for some O'Conaill's hot chocolate after!

We wandered over to the church later this afternoon, after sleeping in very late, which was much needed.  Ringing the Shandon Bells is something that everyone says you must do while in Cork.  When you get to the top of the bell tower, there are (supposedly) endless vistas of Cork City, as well as the countryside.  And I can now confirm these claims, the sights were breathtaking.  We had to travel up lots of winding, narrow, staircases, crawl through some ladder holes, encounter some pigeons, but eventually we made it to the top.  There was no one up there, and a great breeze.  Today was the perfect day to do this! I could not stop saying, "Oh my goodness, this is amazing!"  Attention all visitors, this will be a stop on your tour of Cork with me!

After ringing the bells, and taking in the scene for a very long time, Jane and I wandered the city for a little while.  We found the Franciscan Well Brewery, which is supposed to be a really fun bar/pub with great craft beers!  I think that is one of or Bucket List stops for tomorrow :)

Last stop: O'Conaill's Chocolates.  We have been told that this is home of the greatest hot chocolate around.  If you know me, you know that I am a chocolate addict, so this ad my name all over it.  It took us a while to find it (my sense of direction is the most horrible thing you could imagine), but once we did get there, it was well worth the wait.  I got Milk Chocolate Praline Hot Chocolate, and a O'Conaill's Caramel Brownie.  I was in heaven.

Cork is known as the food capital of Ireland, if I have not told you.  I am attempting to try all of the famous foodie areas, and I cannot wait!  Me and good food is a perfect combo.  I will let you know of what other hidden treasure I find along the way :)

I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend!  It sounds like Black Point has been a blast, even Olive has had a little too much fun, so I hear...

Be back tomorrow, hopefully with my rating of the Franciscan Well!


View of Cork from the top of Saint Anne's!

We made it! 

The bells of Shandon

I rang the bells! 

Jane and myself with our O'Conaill's

I found heaven.


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