Thursday 28 August 2014

Test Time

Exam day, nothing good comes with the word "exam."  I began the day today with a three hour lecture, and then the exam after, at 2 PM!  The exam was only an hour and a half, so not too long, but, if any of you do not know this by now, I HATE taking a test more than anything.  I was so ready for it to be over with!

The exam turned out to not be horrible, but I think it is safe to say, Archaeology is not my forte.  I was just so glad for it to be over with, nothing else mattered.  After the exam, Chelsea, Nicole, Jane, and I did a little de-stressing and went to the gym (really preparing for the amount of food we would be eating later in the evening).

Tonight was definitely a feasting night.  After the gym, we cleaned up quickly and went out to dinner to a pizza place we have been dying to try.  This was called, La Tana, a little hole in the wall pizza joint with incredible food.  La Tana has some connections with a few pubs in the area, if you order your food, they will deliver the pizza to the pub for you!  We were so hungry we could not wait to eat.  We sat in La Tana (not so patiently) waiting for the pizzas to cook (which they make right in front of you), and took them to Mr. Bradley's, a quiet pub next door.  This worked out very well!  We sat in a room with a a fire burning, making me feel as if it should be winter, but I was so cozy and satisfied with my food.  I had the Bresaola Pizza.  This had bresaola beef, mushrooms, and spinach-- oh my goodness, it was amazing.  Our goal is to try every pizza by the time we leave in May, and I have a feeling this could be achieved.  The food was delicious and the cooks were so nice!  It was an awesome way to relax after the exam and be in pizza heaven.

Tomorrow I have a field trip to North Cork.  I am hoping the weather holds out and it will be a nice day to be outside!  Archaeology may be a drag, but I do love the field trips!  Now it is time to curl up in bed and watch some much needed Netflix.

Be back tomorrow!


La Tana in its entirety, so small!

The menu ( I wanted everything)

Chelsea and me with the prized possessions.

Heaven in a box

I did not leave this spot, is it too soon to say I am ready for winter and fireplaces?

We conquered the pizzas, and the boxed are empty!

Selfie withe the fire and Jane!!

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