Wednesday 20 August 2014

First Dinner Out!

Today was such a fun day, and another day of firsts in Cork!  I began the day by going to class, which is still an adjustment.  Three hours of class a day is a large difference from my normal every other day schedule at HC!  However, one day down means we are nearing Dublin.  After class, I had an appointment with the Bank of Ireland on Campus.  In order to receive my visa, I need to have a number of documents sorted out and sent in, including the institution of a bank account.  This was a quick and easy task.  I am ready to be fully done with the logistics of being abroad!

After the bank meeting, Jane and I went to our academic liaison's office, Shane.  It took us a long time to maneuver the buildings around campus, but it was a great way to explore.  I found the Sociology building, which I have a feeling I will be in often!  Shane was such a nice guy and I was happy we met him this afternoon because the seven Holy Cross students were going out to dinner with him later in the day.  Finally, going out to eat (on Holy Cross's expense!)!  I could not stop talking about my excitement for dinner to the girls.  Clearly food is always on my mind, thank you to my father!

Dinner was absolutely incredible.  We met Shane outside of the old courthouse and walked to the restaurant with him.  They restaurant was called Curran's.  It was a cute, little rustic place, with long farm tables, wooden beam ceilings, and cool lighting!  Since Holy Cross was funding this meal, we all decided to be very extravagant.  I started my meal with brie, fish and chips (which Shane recommended) for dinner, and a white chocolate mousse for dessert.  I am currently in a food coma, and could not be happier.  It was lots of fun getting to know Shane and hearing his stories of past HC kids.  We will be going on field trips with him as well.  Some of these include the Ring of Kerry, galleries and museums in Cork, and many other true Irish culture sites.  He definitely saw that we are a loud, no boundaries, group of girls! After dinner, he took us on a walk around the city to show us some fun pubs and breweries, restaurants, and neighborhoods to avoid.  It was a very informative, yet extremely fun, evening.  I am looking forward to getting to know Shane more and learn a lot about Cork and Ireland from him!

Tomorrow is the last day of class before Dublin!!! Be back soon!


I saw this on my way back from the gym and thought it was funny!

Kind of dark, but a shot of Curran's.

Another look at Curran's! 

My brie appetizer, so delicious!!

White Chocolate Mousse (I was too hungry and forgot to snap a pic of dinner!)!

First row: Jane, Julia, Shane, Kitty, Francie
Back row: Me, Nicole, Chelsea 

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