Thursday 21 August 2014

One Week!

Today marks the one week mark in Cork!  I cannot believe it has already been a week since moving out to Ireland.  Every person has told me that their time abroad goes by very quickly, and I have a greater appreciation for that now!  My first week has definitely been a great one, from meeting new people, to learning to live on my own in a foreign place, and succeeding (so far!).

It was kind of like a Friday for me today because tomorrow is Dublin day! I do not have to go to class, however, I have an early wake-up call to be at the bus for departure at 8 am.  After being out of work for a few weeks now, 8 am seems so early!  We are beginning the day by traveling to Meath, Ireland, and then ending up in Dublin as our final destination.  This should be a great experience, and hopefully I will have lots of new pictures.

After class, I went to my first Ireland spin class with Jane.  This class was very tough, but it felt great.  I was excited to get back in the studio and see how Ireland conducts their classes differently.  My instructor, Alanna, was like a drill sergeant.  She would get off of her bike and single you out to push yourself harder!  This was some great motivation (because you really had no choice), but incredibly different from spinning at home.  With that being said, this will not be my last class in Cork.  I thought that it was an awesome experience!

I ventured down to the City Centre to TK Maxx, the Irish TJ Maxx, for new pillows and a feather bed.  I am such a bed princess, which is horrible to admit, but my mother has spoiled me!  Since she has led me to be so picky about my bed, I had to go to her favorite store, of course! My bed now is like a cloud and I cannot wait to sleep in it tonight :)

We explored the city a little more after our shopping excursion, and I continue to love Cork more and more each day.  I am sure this weekend will make me never want to leave this place!  Be back later in the weekend!



My spin instructor Alanna and myself.

The yoga studio at the Mardyke Arena.

The spinning studio at the Mardyke Arena.

The squash courts at the Mardyke Arena.

The Zumba studio at the Mardyke Arena.

Some pretty neat graffiti poetry I found in the City Centre.

Some of the side streets off of the City Centre.

My fluffy bed!!

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