Sunday 17 August 2014

Acting Like a Local

Today was a pretty quiet day for us here in Cork.  I slept in very late, which was much needed.  I cannot believe I am still not used to the time change!  After taking my time waking up, I went for a run around the lake and the streets in my neighborhood.  It was a beautiful day out, I even had to take off my jacket!  It sounds like Ireland stole the East Coast warmth from what I am hearing back home!

Later in the afternoon, the HC girls and I went into town to a pub called Thomond Bar, AKA "The Ultimate Sports Venue."  We went here to watch the Cork vs. Tipperary semi-finals hurling match.  Hurling seems to be a cross between field hockey, lacrosse, and has a lot of the violence like rugby.  This pub was a lot of fun, and filled with Cork fans!  I was definitely feeling like a local here!

After the match, which Cork unfortunately lost, the girls and I decided to get our Irish cellphones.  This took a little while trying to figure out which brands we would get, how the plan works, etc.  But thank goodness it all worked out, now I just need to set it up (this could be interesting!).

I got home and did a little more room decorating with a new Cork flag I bought, and hundreds of pictures from home and Holy Cross.  I am still in the process of putting it together, but once it is done, I will definitely provide pictures!

I did my nightly FaceTime to Dad for assistance in prepping dinner.  Tonight's menu consisted of scrambled eggs with tomatoes and onions, and a side of zucchini.  Not quite the same as Dad's fabulous cooking, but it worked!

Tomorrow is my first day of the Early Start Program.  I should have plenty of stories!

Be back tomorrow!


The street, Bandon Road, that my apartment is on.

Thomond Bar filled with Cork fans!

Julia, me, Chelsea, Nicole, and Jane at Thomond Bar

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