Thursday 28 August 2014

Study Day

Yesterday was a VERY quiet day for me in Cork City.  I had to prepare for my first exam abroad!  However, studying while living in Ireland is not the easiest task to do, so I really attempted to stay focused (emphasis on attempted).  I also feel like I am on a vacation, and taking an exam is not one of the items on my list of "to do."  But, I managed to sit down and get to work (eventually!)!

After my class in the morning, I went to a spinning class with the (slightly crazy) instructor, Alanna.  I felt that this would maybe take my mind off studying for an hour?  Wrong.  I got so distracted after spin, I decided to walk around for a little while, which turned into another hour!  Being familiar with Cork seemed way better than studying at the time.

I eventually made it back home and decided to put myself to work.  It was a rainy day, so I was not missing out on anything! I studied for a little while, and then just gave up.  Archaeology is not a subject to studying while cozy in your super comfy bed...

For my "reward" of studying, I got to FaceTime Maureen and Kath!  I haven't talked to the fourth Spalluto sister, AKA Kathryn, since I have been here.  I loved seeing her face, and I was so jealous she and Mo were together.  I was suffering from some serious FOMO hearing about their activities lined up for the night and Labor Day at BP!

After hitting the books for a few hours, I packed up for the night.  I wasn't having the exam until 2 PM on Thursday, so I had plenty of time in the morning.  I'll let you know how it turned out!

Be back with more details later!


The park by my apartment I stumbled upon while not studying for Archaeology! 

I forgot to post this on Tuesday! It was the sunrise on my way to spin class! 


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