Wednesday 20 August 2014

Relaxation and Cooking Experimentation

Yesterday was a quiet day here in Cork City.  I officially began lectures in Archaeology.  It was a little boring, especially for a class that is three hours long, but Tomás is great!  I am really excited for the Dublin field trip this weekend. I will be staying in my first hostel, which I will need to get used to with traveling this year!

After class, the other HC girls and I started up a conversation with some University of San Diego girls.  They were all very nice and outgoing, so we exchanged numbers in hopes of meeting up later in the evening to go see some live Irish music.  This was so exciting to be meeting new people! After our conversation with the USD students, I decided to check out the UCC bookstore.  I now have a UCC sweatshirt and computer sticker, I feel very official now!

When I came home, I did not have much to do.  I decided to cook some chicken and I made an avocado chicken salad.  It came out great!  It is filled with grapes, apples, some spices, definitely a staple item this year.  It was nice staying around the apartment, giving me the chance to still get organized and settle in.

For dinner, Nicole spoiled us with her homemade lasagna!  It was very, very delicious, and really nice to not have to think of a meal to cook.  The "family" dinners we have every night are a great way to catch up on everyone's days, as well as laugh a lot!  After dinner, I talked to Carolyn on the phone.  I haven't been able to call her much since I have gotten here, so it was a very special treat :)

We ended up meeting the USD students at a place called Rearden's.  Unfortunately, we could not find a mutual place with live music.  However, Rearden's ended up being a ton of fun, with great music.  There are twenty-five students in the program from USD!  We met a lot of very nice kids, and a number of them are in my Archaeology class.  It will be nice to have more familiar faces on our field trips and in class.

Each day makes me more and more excited for this awesome year I have ahead of me!



My new UCC gear!

Chelsea, Nicole, and Julia at my apartment for our family dinner!

Me, Jane, and Chelsea at Rearden's.

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