Sunday 17 August 2014


Saturday was the greatest day I have had in Cork so far.   I was able to sleep in and relax a little bit, which was just what I needed after our long days of travel and UCC Orientation.

Jane and I decided we would take a walk into the City Centre and explore the area, as well as pick up a few more items for our rooms.  Cork is known as the place for food in Ireland.  So, our first stop was the English Market, which we have been told to do all of our grocery shopping at by most of the locals.  The English Market is one of Cork's main attractions.  It consists of dozens and dozens of local vendors and stores offering anything you could imagine.  There were many butcher stands, fish market stands, produce shops, coffee bars (thank goodness), Asian markets,  bakeries, sweet shoppes, really the list could go on forever.  Jane and I were able to pick up dinner for the night and a great cup of coffee.  The Market was incredible, and definitely a place I can see myself at often!

We decided that it would be fun to "get lost" in the city and explore the little streets.  I didn't realize how large Cork actually was.  We ended up walking for three hours!  It was so much fun, though.  Cork is a great city, that you truly could never get bored in.

After all of our exploring, we took the long way back home.  This route consists of one of Cork's famous Anglican cathedrals, St. Fin Barre's.  The cathedral is absolutely monstrous, and very, very beautiful.  We were unable to go inside at that moment, but I will definitely be going back to check it out!

When we got home, Jane and I went for a run around the lake and the streets near out apartment.  It was an overcast day, but still nice out, with no rain (shocking).  We ran on over to UCC to go find the  gym.  The gym is slightly off campus, but not too far.  I knew the UCC gym, Mardyke, is know for being a nice one, but that is an understatement.  This gym was unbelievable.  There was everything you could imagine, and more.  In fact, it is so state of the art that many Olympians come and train there!  Jane and I were both in awe at this place, and the best part is that since we are UCC students, we receive a free membership!  I didn't have my phone with me to take pictures, but I definitely will next time I am there.

After our run,  the HC crew convened for dinner in Julia's room.  We each brought our own meals.  Jane and I made our own honey mustard marinade for chicken, and then I made a sweet potato, and my Dad's famous broccoli recipe.  I cannot believe I am making real food! I honestly thought that this year would be filled with rice cakes and peanut butter, so, I am shocking myself!

We were all pretty tired at the end of the day, but we still wanted to see some live Irish music!  The five of us ventured down to the City Centre and went to a pub named The Oliver Plunkett.  This was such a fun place! It consisted of two levels, a downstairs with Oldies Rock music, and an upstairs with Irish music.  We went upstairs and had a blast.  Everyone was dancing and singing along to the songs we knew.  It was such a fun night filled with a lot of laughter!

Today, there is a big Cork hurling match taking place in Dublin.  We are going to try and catch it on TV in one of the pubs and feel like true Irish locals!

The English Market:

So much cheese!!!!

The River Lee, which runs through Cork City

My view I walk by on the bridge from City Centre back to my apartment.

St. Fin Barre's

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