Saturday 16 August 2014

First Full Day

My first full day in Ireland was a busy one! I had Orientation at UCC, which was for all of the American students partaking in the Early Start Program.  The Early Start Program is a three week course we will take prior to the start of classes.  My Early Start is "Irish Archaeology," and it will consist of us taking trips around Ireland (I know, it's not too shabby) to places such as Galway, Dublin, The Burren, The Aran Islands, and many more exciting historical Irish spots!  After Orientation ended, there were campus tours available for us to go on.  We had the most adorable tour guides, Maureen and John (felt just like home with those names).  They were so excited about American students being there and made us feel very welcomed!

Once we arrived back to the rooms, I decided to get a few more errands done with Jane.  I needed to get a some more groceries for dinner (me cooking, I think it is crazy too), as well as find the most important thing of all, A FAN!!! Finding a fan has been the hardest task in Ireland, and finally the prized possession was discovered at a department store in the City Centre.  It has to be one of my top ten happiest moments, I blame this on you, Mom!

After exploring the City Centre with Jane a little more, we came back to my apartment and made dinner.  We had a rice, egg, and veggie stir fry! In the words of my Dad, "I have to say to myself," it wasn't half bad.  Once dinner ended, some other HC girls, Julia, Chelsea, and Nicole, came over to get ready for our first night to a pub!  The UCC Student Union was hosting an event at a local pub, The Rock.  This was really fun getting to meet other American students and Irish students.  I asked the Irish students a million questions about school, the city, Ireland, and everything you could imagine.  Most of them were shocked I was Irish, and often asked me if I was Spanish!  It gave me a few laughs and added to a great night.

It was a great first full  day.  I was very tired at the end of the night, and I have to say, as I am writing this post I am still in bed!  I needed to catch up on my beauty sleep in preparation of a full day of exploring the city!

I'll be back on here with some stories later today!



p.s. I am finding that some of my iMessages are not working, so the best way to contact me is through email,, through What's App Messenger, or FaceTime.

This is the lake I walk by on my way to the grocery store.  It's just a few streets up from my apartment!

Me cooking dinner, a very scary thought!

The UCC Quad.  There is a superstition that if you walk on the pathway through the Quad, or even on the grass, you will fail your exams! 

Julia, me, Jane, Chelsea, and Nicole at The Rock.

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