Friday 19 September 2014


Thank god it's Thursday!  Time for the weekend festivities to begin :)

My Thursdays are pretty easy, I have my Sociology of Class lecture at two different times during the day, 1-2 and 4-5.  I love this lecturer, and I take the class with Jane, so it goes by quickly!  In the morning, I explored the  neighborhood a little and checked out the fruit and veggie stand across the street from my apartment.  It is so convenient, and the owner was very friendly, like every Irish person.  After class, I went to the gym in preparation of for my (amazing) dinner coming up with Grace.

Grace and I went the a burger place for dinner called Coqbull.  I have to say, this may rival Max Burger.  I had the Chili Burger, which had hot sauce and chipotle mayo--delicious!  I also tried one of the local Irish Ciders, called Little Island.  I felt so grown up ordering a drink with my dinner!  When we finished dinner, Grace and I went back to my apartment to meet Jane to go to The Washington Inn.  This is a bar that we have come to love.  Old 90s throwback music is played on Thursdays, and even better, there is no cover charge to get it.  We had a blast!  After the Wash, we headed the An Brog, a bar that our advisor, Shane, recommended to us.  It was packed with people, but a cool very cool place in the heart of the city.

Friday is my day off, so Grace, Jane, and I will be exploring the city a little more!

Be back tomorrow!



The Wash, so packed on a Thursday! 

Jane, Grace, and myself at the Wash.

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