Thursday 2 October 2014

Almost Here!

So, my days have been pretty boring, just going through my typical routine!  But, only a few more days until my family arrives! I cannot wait!

I slept in late on Wednesday, I really need to stop staying up and watching Netflix!  I do this at HC all the time too, so I guess it is just a habit I cannot kick.  I went to my two classes and just for organized around the house a little bit.  Sometimes it is nice to not have an agenda!

After classes and dinner, I sat down with my roommates and had some tea with them.  This is such an Irish thing, having teas at the end of the day.  I am starting to really enjoy it and become and avid tea drinker!  I have gone out and bought so many different kinds for my apartment.  I did make a funny mistake buying my tea this week, however.  I was looking for green tea at the organic grocery store, and somehow grabbed the digestive tea.  I have NO idea how this happened but it gave me a good laugh!

At the end of the day, I did a little packing for my weekend with the Fox clan in Lahinch.  Only 2 more days and I will be back with everyone!  I cannot believe it has almost been 2 months since I have seen everyone...

Be back tomorrow!



My tea (NOT digestive tea!)

Overpacking is my specialty 

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