Monday 20 October 2014

Cork to York

Friday was a very early morning, but it was all worth it because I was going to visit Lindsay!  I ordered a taxi to pick me up for 4:30 AM to get me to Cork Airport for a 7 AM flight.  I had never been to Cork Airport before, so I was leaving myself a lot of time.  I could barely sleep the night before, I was so excited!

The airport was very empty since it was so early in the morning, which was perfect, no security lines!  I was flying from Cork at 7 AM to Manchester, getting in around 8:30ish.  We landed a little early. it was a very easy flight!  I then had to make it to the Manchester Airport Train Station so I could take a train to York.  These run pretty frequently, so I was in no rush.  I told Lindsay I would be arriving in York around 10:30ish, so I had to grab a train leaving around 9 AM.  It was pretty self explanatory finding tickets and the train, I felt like a travel pro (Mom, you have no need to worry!).

When I arrived in York, I felt like I was in a movie finding Lindsay.  I saw her and jumped in her arms!  I was reunited with one of my best friends after two and a half months!!! For those of you that know me and Lindsay, you know that is a very long time for us to go without seeing one another.  When I met up with her, we caught a bus that would take us right to the University of York.  This was so convenient!  Lindsay lives right on campus, so when we arrived I got a little tour as we walked to her room.  I dropped my stuff, and we were off to explore the city!  But first, lunchtime!

We ate at an awesome restaurant, Bill's.  Lindsay and I shared honey mustard sausages and I had a grilled chicken sandwich with "chips."  It definitely hit the spot after a long day of travel.  We were talking a mile a minute to one another the entire time, we had so much to catch up on.  We kept saying, "This is so weird, we are in Europe together.."  It was so surreal!

After lunch, we walked around the city.  Lindsay showed me some of the famous spots in York, The Minster, the River Ouse, The Shambles, everything.  York was a really cook historical city, and it felt like an old English Village, with the mix of city life.  I loved it!  After walking around, I was pooped, so Lindsay took me to Starbucks and I got my first Pumpkin Spice Latte!  It was officially fall :)  We them went back to her apartment to hang out and watch a movie before going out for the night again.

We went to a later dinner, around 8:30 PM, to a really nice place on the river, Slug and Lettuce.  We both had pork pad thai, with pomegranate and edamame.  It was delicious, and I have been craving thai food.  We then shared a toffee cookie dessert as well as a brownie dessert.  YUM!

Lindsay then wanted to show me some of her favorite bars.  The first one we stopped at was Dusk.  This was a really neat place, with drinks named after American celebrities.  The atmosphere was really cool, and it was packed!  We then headed to the coolest bar I have ever been to, Evil Eye.  This is supposedly one of Johnny Depp's favorite bars (so cool!)!  The drinks are all really exotic and made with fresh fruit.  It was a blast!  We were wiped out after Evil Eye, so we headed home to prepare for Saturday!

I can't tell you enough how great it was to be back with my best friend.  It was a perfect taste of home when I was really missing a big weekend of my family being together.

Be back with more details of the weekend!



Sunrise on the flight!

University of York


The Shambles

York City Centre

The River Ouse

 My first PSL!

At Dusk!


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