Wednesday 22 October 2014

Last Day with Linds

Sunday was my last day in York.  It was not fun saying by to Lindsay, but we would be seeing each other in seven weeks!  The countdown was on!

We woke up a little earlier than Saturday, packed up my stuff, and went off to see some more of the city.  We did not have big plans, really to just hang out with one another for one last day.  We went to a great restaurant called Nandos.  They are famous for their spicy chicken dishes, an boy were they spicy.  But, very, very good!  Thanks, Anne, you have made me a spicy food lover :)

After lunch, I was on a mission to find a print of York.  I am trying to get a picture of every city I visit.  I forgot to get Munich, so I would not let myself forget York!  There is a really cool artist who sets up shop on the Shambles in York.  He sells his pencil prints for "whatever you think appropriate."  I thought this was so cool.  I have never heard of anyone not setting a price on their art, and letting the buyer create the price.  The man was extremely kind, and very grateful for whatever you gave him.  I ended up getting a neat drawing of the Shambles, I can't wait to add it to my collection!

We then went to Cafe Nero, a coffee shop, to kill time before I had to leave for the airport.  It was nice just sitting and chatting with one another, I still could not believe how long we had gone without seeing each other!  I got a delicious hot chocolate, per Lindsay's recommendation!

Lindsay went with me to the train station, but on our way we had a horse poop issues!  Lindsay stepped in a massive pile of poop and could not get it off of her leg.  I know this is a little gross, but if you know Lindsay and me, you would know that we could not stop laughing, but also did not know what to do.  It was so hilarious!!  After we cleaned up, Linds got me to the train and I grabbed a 3:45 train to the airport.  I had an amazing time in England and reuniting with my long lost friend :)

Be back soon!


Hot Chocolate!
Horse Poop Problems

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