Tuesday 21 October 2014

A Saturday with My Best Friend

On Saturday, Lindsay and I had lots of plans to explore York.  We slept in for a little bit, I was still really tired from my day of travel to England, and then we got moving on the day.

Our first stop-- lunch.  We went to a great little restaurant called the Lowther.  It was a really nice day, so we were able to sit outside.  I cannot believe that is is almost the end of October in England and we are sitting outside.  The weather was beautiful, not too hot, there was a great breeze, and no rain.  This was the perfect start to a great day!  After lunch, we stopped at Starbucks to get a coffee (a little perk for our afternoon adventures), and then walked around the city a little more.

York is a city that contains a lot of history.  One of the main attractions, actually making York a city, is the York Minster.  The Minster is the largest gothic cathedral in northern Europe.  It is absolutely massive, and such a beautiful piece of architecture is a classic English city.  Behind the Minster, there is a park, Dean's Park, open for visitors to walk through.  There were colorful leaves all over the park, and very green grass everywhere.  It was so gorgeous and picturesque!  York was showing the colors of fall a lot more than Cork, and it reminded me of home :)  After our walk through the park, we decided to walk part of the Walls of York.  York is surrounded by a large stone wall, dating all the way back to the times of the Romans.  You are able to walk around the entire city on the wall (don't worry, there are pathways!).  This walk can take about two hours, so we decided to just do part of it.  It was really cool and a great way to get a feel for York.

Once we finished part of the walk, it was late afternoon.  The day was flying by!  When we got back to the University of York, we walked around for a little while so I could get a better feel of the campus and to take some pictures.  The campus is so beautiful, it almost looks as if it is a park.  There  were ducks, ponds, sitting areas, definitely different from UCC, and even HC.

We went back to Lindsay's apartment and called our best friends, Anne and Chris.  Both Anne and Chris are at HC this year, and usually the four of us are inseparable, so it was so weird not being with them!  We had a really long conversation with each of them, and it was almost as good as the real deal.  After our phone calls, Linds and I cleaned up and got ready for the night.  We were pretty tired, so it was going to be a low-key night!

We went to a restaurant called Missoula Montana Bar and Grill, a really pretty restaurant on the River Ouse.  The restaurant had a really cool ski lodge vibe, and definitely felt a little bit like we were back in the US.  After dinner, we met up another HC girl studying in York, Emma, who has become friends with Lindsay.  We went to The Golden Fleece, a haunted bar!  There was some great live music and loads of people!  It was a very fun time :)

We headed to back to the apartment and went to bed pretty early, we had to prepare for our last day together!

Be back soon!



Me and Linds at the Lowther.

York City!

The York Minster.

The University of York

At Missoula Montana Bar and Grill!

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