Monday 27 October 2014

WeHa in Cork?

It was so relieving to see Thursday come.  My test was done and I was handing in my paper!  Belgium was so close and I really was looking forward to it!

I had a very quiet morning, just getting some of my school work done (at the last minute) and getting ready for the weekend.  Our flight on Friday was very early, so Jane, Grace, and I had to take a bus on Thursday night up to the Dublin Airport.  That was, of course, after Grace's family treated us to a wonderful dinner!

The Hallinans had been visiting Grace for the week in Ireland, and were so nice to offer to take us out.  I had not been able to catch them all week, so I was looking forward to seeing them.  It was an awesome little West Hartford reunion in Cork!  They brought us to a great restaurant in the City Centre, Cornstore.  I had not been there yet, so I was very excited to check it out!  My meal was great, swordfish on noodles an vegetables with a delicious sesame sauce.  I have not been to a bad restaurant yet while in Ireland!  To the people that say the Irish cannot cook, I beg to differ.  The restaurants have been incredible.  We sat at the restaurant for a long time and caught up on the happenings of our lives and hearing about the Hallinan's trip so far.  It was a great taste of home having fellow WeHa-ers in Ireland! 

After dinner, the Hallinans walked us to the bus station, and we were off to Dublin Airport!  Belgium was almost here!

Be back soon! 


Dinner at Cornstore.

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