Thursday 2 October 2014

I Can Almost Taste It

TOMORROW IS THE DAY!  My family is enroute to Ireland as we speak!  I cannot contain my excitement, you are probably so sick of reading about it.  Just get ready for the posts for the next week they are here...

Today was a busy day, but a great one!  Jane and I woke up early to pick up our official Garda cards.  We almost had to wait in a four hour line, which gave us a slight panic attack, but Jane (luckily) figured it out for us.  Thank goodness I have her!  After the Garda, we walked around the city because it was a gorgeous day out.  We decided to do a little shopping because select stores this week are giving students 20% off.  How can you pass that up?  We did not go too crazy though, we still have until may to spend all of our money ;)  We rewarded ourselves for accomplishing the Garda task with O'Connails hot chocolate (our third time here, we love it), and we met up with Nichola, our USD friend.  We haven't seen her in forever, so it was great to catch up.  The USD kids are going to Oktoberfest this weekend so we needed to give all of our tips!  They also went to Dublin for the weekend last week, so we needed to hear all about it.  I am so sad they are only here for a semester, they are becoming such great friends of ours!

The day was so sunny and fall-like that Jane and I walked leisurely back home after hot chocolate (not realizing we were almost late to class!).  I kept saying how much I love Cork.  I do not know how I am ever going to have to part from this city!

I better get to bed, it is a big day tomorrow!

Be back tomorrow with some exciting stories!



Early morning live music on Oliver Plunkett Street!


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