Tuesday 14 October 2014

Back in the Groove

Monday was a day of getting back to reality.  No more meals out with the family, everything paid for, and definitely no more skipping class (well, maybe a little).  My family was flying out of Dublin on Monday, and it was so hard knowing they were in my country and I was not with them!  But, I was excited to get back into my routine in Cork.

I went about my normal Monday activities, I got up, got a little organized, and went to class.  Every time I come home from class I tell myself I will do homework, but that has yet to happen.  I really, really need to get to it!  After class, I went into town to do some grocery shopping.  I am running very low on food because I have not had to cook for myself in so long!  I decided I would walk into the city and go to Marks and Spencers, well, that is what I planned on doing.  For some reason, the grocery stores close before 7 PM, and I found myself in the City Centre at 6:30.  Marks and Spencers was unfortunately closed, so I went to SuperValu.  I was so proud go myself because I had a list of meals I was going to cook and get organized this week in the kitchen.  In my first five minutes at the store, someone comes on the loudspeaker announcing the store is closing!  I was running at this point to find some food to make enough of a meal for that night, let alone my entire grocery list!  How does a store close so early?! Do people have jobs pas 6 PM in Ireland?! I was able to pick up essentials so I knew I could get through the morning, but it was such a nice night out I wanted to continue walking.  I thought I would walk by Tesco, for the heck of it, to see if that was still open.  Thankfully, it was!  I was able to finish my shopping, and I was very excited for my upcoming meals.   Monday night's menu option:  beef and vegetable stir fry!

After grocery shopping, I stopped by Jane's with my dinner.  She has two Holy Cross friends visiting this week because HC is on Fall Break.  I decided I would pop in to see how their time was going and how they were liking Cork!  It was really nice catching up with fellow HC-ers and hearing about their year so far (and also reaffirm my happiness I am abroad after hearing how much work everyone has had at HC).  It definitely made me miss Holy Cross, but I have to say, I could not be happier to be in Cork this year.

I'll let you know how m new dinner dish turns out :)

Be back soon!


Sunset in Cork


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