Wednesday 29 October 2014


Saturday was the day that Grace, Jane, and I would be going to Brugge (Bruges).  Brugge is an old historic city in Belgium, just about an hour train ride from Brussels.  A lot of pole I had talked to said that Brugge was a must see.  I am very happy I took their advice, because it has definitely been a highlight of my time abroad!

We woke up around 9 AM on Saturday, got ready for the day, and headed to the train station.  This was only about a ten minute walk from our hotel.  (I was so happy with the location of our hotel.  It was close to everything, but not too close where we would be disrupted.  Anyone studying abroad and needs a place in Brussels:  this is the spot!) We hopped on a train that got us to Brugge at noon.  When we arrived in Brugge, we walked from the train station into the city, which was very close.  It was a gorgeous day out, thank goodness, because we would be outside all day!

Our first stop in Brugge was the Belfry of Brugge.  This was at the center of the Grote Markt, the main square of the city.  We climbed to the top of the Belfry (which I must say, WAY harder than the Shandon Bells), and saw incredible views of the city.  You could see for miles, especially since it was such a clear day.  After we climbed the Belfry, Jane, Grace, and I were starving.  We went to a little restaurant right in the Grote Markt.  I had a classic Belgian dish, a beef stew.  It was amazing!  Coming to Europe has definitely made me a soup person (Mom- I am sorry for all of those times I refused soup for dinner! I will make up for it come Christmas!).   I could not get over how beautiful a day it was, and I was sitting in Brugge.  It was definitely a "pinch me" moment.

Once we had lunch, we made it our mission to eat as much chocolate as we could.  We stopped at three different chocolate stores: Neuhaus, The Chocolate Line, and Chocolatier Dumon.  I had a hazelnut and nougat chocolate at Neuhaus, a slated carmel chocolate at The Chocolate Line, and a white chocolate and nut one at Chocolatier Dumon.  My favorite was the Neuhaus one!  Thank goodness there were more Neuhaus stores in Brussels, so I did not have to part from them just yet.

We then walked around the city for a little while.  Jane and I were on a mission to find prints of the city.  We are trying to get a print from ever country we go to, and it was not easy getting one in Belgium.  Luckily, at the very last minute, we found one!  I was vey happy with my purchase, and I cannot wait to hang them up when I am home!  Before we went home, we bought some macarons for the train ride, and stopped for coffee and tea.  We went to an adorable shop, The Old Chocolate House.  We were getting a little chilly and needed a warmup before we headed back!

We grabbed a train home,  got back to the Brussels, and hung out at the hotel for a little.  Mom and Dad were looking at my off-campus house for senior year on Saturday, so I had a lot to talk about with them.  Luckily, I was traveling with two awesome people who let me figure it all out (while hearing me talk about it non-stop)!

After, we went into the city for a late night dinner of waffles and french fries.  Such a great end to an even better day.

Brugge, you stole my heart.  Which European city is next?

Be back soon!



The River Woods
View from the Belfry of Brugge

Me, Jane, and Grace in the Grote Markt.

The Grote Markt
Chocolate 1 from Neuhaus

Chocolate 2 from The Chocolate Line

Chocolate 3 from Chocolatier Dumon

Brugge streets

My latte from The Old Chocolate House

Pistachio macaron from Galler.

Carmel macaron from Galler

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