Wednesday 22 October 2014

Monday Blues

Ugh Mondays, not fun when I have been spending the weekend galavanting around England.  But, it was back to reality, for only a few more days.  I have a busy week of homework, for once!  Are midterms really a thing abroad? I don't know how I feel about that....

I went to my two classes and began studying for my exam that would be on Wednesday.  Not very exciting...but once this week was over, it would be time for Belgium.  I needed to set myself out to doing my work so I could enjoy the weekend!  On my way to class, I tried a new coffee shop that I walk by every single day, but have yet to step in.  This shop is called The Coffee Station.  It was really cute, and full of students!  Maybe a good place to do homework sometime?  After class, I got the BEST surprise ever for one of my favorite people.  My boss at the Foundation this summer, Brenda, sent me the greatest care package.  It was full of all of my favorite things, an many, many inside jokes that put a smile on my face.  It came at the perfect time!  I needed lots of candy to get me through studying and paper writing this week.  Brenda, you are TOO MUCH!

I decided not to do a big grocery shopping run, because I would only be here for a few days.  I went to Centra, like a 7/11, on my street to just pick up some essentials.  Going away every weekend makes it hard to do shopping for the week.  I do not need much food, but when I come home on Sundays, I am usually cleaned out.  Eggs are becoming my best friend...

Well, boring night, but hopefully it will get more exciting!

Be back soon!


The Coffee Station

My care package :) LOVE YOU, BRENDA!

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