Wednesday 29 October 2014


We got back to Cork around 2:30 AM Monday morning from Belgium.  It was a long few days of travel, but so worth it.  Thankfully, Monday was a Bank Holiday in Cork, aka no school!  This could not have come at a more perfect time.

This will be a short post because I literally did NOTHING on Monday.  I desperately needed to sleep and get my life in order.  I have not had a weekend in my apartment since September 19th, so I was looking at Monday as a bonus day.  I got up pretty late, caught up on some blog posts, gathered my laundry, and stayed in bed and watched TV.  It was amazing.

Monday was Maureen's birthday, so I talked to her for a while!  The perks of time change: when she is on her way to work, I am wide awake (at the crack of 11 AM, ah the life of a college student!).  I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Maureen!  I cannot think of anyone who deserves it more than you! I LOVE YOU!

I soon realized that I had no food in the house!  Jane and I quickly went to the Centra down the road, like a 7-Eleven, to get the essentials of eggs, bread, yogurt, etc.  This was the first time we left the apartment all day, and I was not mad about it.  A lazy day is always nice sometimes.

Before I went to bed, I figured I would gather my laundry together so I could do some loads on Tuesday.  I had such an anti-social day, so, my only picture is my massive pile of laundry.  This is so unlike me to not stay on top of things!  I swear, I am pretty with it at HC!  The Irish life is just so relaxed, and I love it.

Be back soon (with some clean clothes, hopefully)!



Happy birthday to my big sis! 

My mountain of a laundry pile :(

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