Monday 20 October 2014


On Thursday, I decided I would be productive.  I woke up (relatively) early to meet Jane and her three HC friends to walk int town.  Jane's friend, Emily, wanted to get O'Conaill's one last time (and I never say no to O'Conaill's), and I needed to buy Lindsay a birthday gift!

I keep trying to get something different when I go to O'Conaill's because there are so many flavors.  This time, I got the dark chocolate praline with ginger.  It wasn't my favorite, but nothing is ever bad at O'Conaill's, so I obviously drank the entire thing!  After O'Conaill's, we walked around the city for a little while.  It was a dreary day, very grey, and it definitely looked as if it was going to rain all day.  But, I would not give up, I was looking to find Linds a birthday gift, and I think I found the perfect one!  It was a silver knot bangle.  Something simple and she could wear it all the time. 

After perusing the city, Jane and I had to get back to class.  We have the same class on Wednesday, which makes it  much easier to get through!  We have this class twice on Thursdays, and when we went to the second one, we completely got stuck in the rain! We were not prepared for the weather at all.  My lecturer was surprised to see that people even showed up to class in the rain.  I guess rainy weather means don't go to class in Ireland?  I don't think that would work at HC!

Later in the evening, I needed to finish up packing and get homework done.  I studied for a few hours and got some work for HC done.  I had an early, early, wake up call on Friday morning, so I kept it a low-key night.  

Be back soon with info about England!



I do not get tired of this view.

Blue skies vs. grey skies! 

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