Thursday 9 October 2014

Back to Cork

Tuesday morning was time for me to get back to reality, kind of.  Our diver, Martin, picked me up in Kinsale and brought me back to Cork in order for me to go to some classes.  I was actually a little excited to get back in the classroom!  My parents, Nana, Big B, Greg, and Carolyn were going to meet me in Cork later that evening after they spending the day in Cobh.  I had some fun plans lined up for the evening, and I was very excited for them to get here and see my home!

Everyone arrived in Cork around 2:30 PM and I met them at the English Market.  We had a quick but to eat with some tea at the Farmgate Cafe.  I have been dying to try this restaurant, and it definitely lived up to its expectations.  I had a cup of butternut squash soup with a tartine (a slice of brown bread with tomato and a slice of cheese).  After our late lunch, we waled round the English Market and picked up some appetizers for the evening.  We had to stop at the Italian food stand, of course, and the cheese stand.  Dad and I picked up some great items for the night :)

After the English Market, we headed to Saint Finbarr's Cathedral.  I still had not gone in here yet to see what the inside looked like.  It was massive, with gorgeous mosaics and stained glass windows.  I also learned that UCC students get in here for free, which is a plus :)

Later, the seven of us in the Fox crew, along with Jane, went to dinner at one of Cork's best restaurants, The Market Lane.  The mission of this restaurant is to use all items from the English Market.  You could tell how fresh everything was because it tasted so good!  Dad and I shared a steak, and I have to say, the beef here is much better than the beef at home!

Once we finished at The Market Lane, Greg, Carolyn, Mom, Dad, Jane, myself, and Grace went across the street to The Oliver Plunkett.  There was a great live band playing some trad music, and it was packed!  I had never sat in the downstairs of The Oliver Plunkett, and it was a lot of fun!

Once again, it was a great night filled with awesome food and even better people.  Only a few more days until Care arrives :)

Be back soon!




Jane, Grace, and myself at The Oliver Plunkett.

Me, Mom, and Dad- so happy they are here :)

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