Thursday 9 October 2014


On Monday, we left Kenmare and made our way towards Kinsale, finally entering County Cork!  The weather was starting to get slightly better, which was a bonus!

Kinsale was a beautiful little town, often explained as the Newport of Ireland.  The vistas were incredible.  I know I have said this many times, but I love being by the sea, no matter what.  After we settled into our room at Actons Hotel (which was beautiful!), Mom, Dad, Nana, Big B, and I wandered around the town center.  We stopped at a great chocolate shop and taste tested some of the goods!I was also on a mission to find Maureen a birthday gift from me and Carolyn, and I think I found the perfect item.  I can't wait for you to see it, Mo :)  After our shopping mission, we were all in the mood for some tea and scones.  This is definitely a Irish activity I have been adjusting very well to!  We went to a great little cafe called the Lemon Leaf Cafe.  I had a carmel cookie square with some hot tea, it was absolutely delicious!

Everyone was a little pooped, so we headed back to the hotel to rest.  I went for a much needed run at the hotel, preparing my stomach for the fabulous dinner we would be having at Fishy Fishy.  Our driver, Martin, was raving about the food here, so I could only imagine it was going to be great.  At dinner, Dad, Mom and I shared the crab risotto (oh my goodness, amazing), and everyone shared the muscles.  For dinner, I had the John Dory white fish, which I had never tried before, and it was very good!  When in Kinsale, you must eat seafood!

After dinner, Greg, Carolyn, Mom, Dad and I went to Kitty O'Se's for a drink.  There was great trad music, and a plus, a performance by the owner's husband.  His voice was amazing!

I was very tired (I don't know why because all I have been doing is eating!), and headed to bed.  Kinsale was so beautiful, but it was back to Cork City tomorrow!

Be back soon!




Carmel squares :)


Dinner at Fishy Fishy

Kitty O'Se's

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