Thursday 23 October 2014

Study Time Tuesday

Tuesday was a very quiet day for me here in Cork.  I had a lot of work coming up, so I needed to stay focused.  I had a great weekend ahead of me: Belgium!

I only went to one of my classes on Tuesday (oops).  I really wanted to get as much work done as I could before my Politics of Church and State exam on Wednesday.  I came home from class at 12 and stayed cooped up in my room.  Thank goodness I have my care package from Brenda :) The chocolate was coming in handy!!

I took a little bit of a study break in the evening.  My roommates had a few friends coming over who they were going out with!  It was graduation time at UCC, so everyone was out celebrating.  It was really nice meeting some more Irish students and taking the time to get to know them.  They were all very nice, and super interested in my American ways!

It was back to studying later in the evening, not very fun....

Also a big happy birthday to my favorite boss, Brenda!  I hope Tuesday was a great day for you :)

Be back soon!



Dinner!  The most massive sweet potato ever...and the Irish think my love go BBQ sauce is very weird...

Homework filled night

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