Tuesday 14 October 2014

We Really Love the Franciscan

On Tuesday, I told myself I would be more productive, and I really was not.  I do not know what will make me get my work done!  I swear I will Wednesday...you can hold me to it!

It was a grey day in Cork, which is the type of weather that makes me want to stay in bed and watch Netflix all day.  However, I can say I did not give into that temptation!  After classes, I caught up on a lot of FaceTime calls I have been trying to make.  I got to talk to Allegra for almost two hours and hear about her life!  It was so good catching up with her, hearing how break is, and being filled in of our off campus housing details for senior year.  We had a little bit of a house crisis yesterday, our landlord gave our house away!  Thankfully, Allegra is organized and was on top of it.  She found us a house we are even more excited about :)

I had a new dinner I was going to try tonight, one I found on Pinterest.  It was a quinoa with chickpeas, spinach, avocado, tomatoes, honey mustard, and lots more delicious ingredients.  I had to substitute some of the ingredients, but it still came out very good!  I have become a quinoa lover while abroad, and it is so easy to make.  Luckily, there are plenty of leftovers to last me a few days!  After dinner, I went to Jane's to catch up with her and the HC kids, Emily and Marty, I needed to hear about their adventures!  We also were trying to plan what we were doing that evening.  None of us had any burning desire to go out to the bar, so instead we decided on the Franciscan.  You can never go wrong with the Franciscan, and it is definitely a place you need to try when you visit Cork.  We met up with Grace there, and the four of us ended up staying for hours!  I told myself it would be and early night...oops

The night was a lot of fun.  I never get tired of talking to Holy Cross students about HC, I really love it and everything it as to offer!  Grace probably wanted to die hearing us talk about it ad nauseam...

Be back soon!


The finished product of dinner! 

What I am eating/drinking as I write this-- hot chocolate and Trader Joe's cookies!  Feels like I am home...

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