Sunday 12 October 2014

Carolyn Arrives in Cork

Thursday was Care's arrival day!  She was due to get into Dublin early in the morning, and then needed to take a train (and bus and cab, and so much more) to Cork.  I would not be seeing her for a few hours, and the anticipation was killing me!  My parents were leaving Cork later Thursday morning, so luckily I had some time with them to distract me. 

Jane and I began the morning by going to my parents hotel to workout, shower, and enjoy a wonderful breakfast.  I was spoiled this week bumming off of all of their hotel meals :)  It was definitely a nice change from my breakfasts in my apartment.  They left around around 11 AM, which gave me some time to get organized for class at 1 PM.  I had to go pick up my Early Start grade (I was very nervous!), but luckily it turned out okay! Jane and I then hung out in the Student Center for a little while before it was time for class.

When I got out out class, I was planning on meeting Care in the Student Center, I was so excited to see her, it was hard to concentrate throughout my lecture!  I got out a little early and ran to meet her!  When I saw her there I was so relieved to have had her make it there safely (and successfully), and even happier to have her in Cork, finally.  She was a little pooped from her travels, so we went straight to my apartment to let her shower and get ready to explore the city.  We had a lot to do in just 36 hours!

After she showered, Care and I walked into the City Centre so I could show her the English Market and some of my other favorite spots.  At the Market, we picked up some bread, cheese, and figs to have a picnic in one of the local parks.  The weather was finally starting to get nice again (perfect timing!).  We had a lovely picnic, but needed a caffeine pick-me-up after!  Care was tired from her travels, and I never say no to coffee.  I decided to show her Duke's Coffee Company, a great spot I found when I went to Tesco for the first time.  They have really delicious drinks at Duke's, I had a hazelnut latte and Care had a normal latte!  They warmed us up on the chilly day :)  Once we finished our coffee and relaxed for a little bit, we walked to the Franciscan Well to meet up with Jane again.  I around 6 PM, so it was quite at the brewery, but it eventually filled up as we sat there for some time.  I think Care really like Franciscan!  It is such an awesome spot, and one of the many that make Cork so special to me!  Once we finished our drinks and caught up with each other, the three of us walked back to the City Centre to try a restaurant that has gotten great reviews, Jacques.  It is a tapas place, so we got a bunch of small plates to share.  The food was awesome, and something different from what we normally eat at.

Dad had talked up The Oliver Plunkett to Care, so I had to take her.  It was a busy night there, and I saw lots of American UCC kids I know were there with their parents! It must be the halfway mark of the semester because there are so man visitors!  We turned in early, however, because we were all really tired.  I can only imagine how Carolyn felt after a long few days of travel.

Friday we are off to Dublin to meet Mom and Dad!

Be back soon!



Picnic in the park!

Happiness can come in latte form.


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