Wednesday 8 October 2014

Ring of Kerry-ish

Sunday we left Lahinch and made our way towards Cork, the final destination on Tuesday.  For today, we would being doing part of the Ring of Kerry, making stops in Adare and  Killarney and then ending up in Kenmare for the night.  It was a horrible day of weather, which really did not work out too well for the Ring of Kerry!  However, an ugly day in Ireland is still beautiful!

Our first stop on the ride was Adare.  Adare is a town in County Limerick that we passed through on our journey to County Kerry.  We stopped here for some tea and scones at a adorable restaurant, The Good Room.  Midday tea and scones is a habit I could definitely see myself getting in to!  We then headed to Killarney.  Killarney was a really cute town in County Kerry.  It reminded me of a smaller version of Cork and a little bit of Galway.  For a Sunday, I was surprised at all of the people around!  I think it is definitely a tourist spot, but a beautiful one at that!  Our driver, Martin, dropped us off at the Killarney Park Hotel for a quick bite for lunch.  The hotel was absolutely gorgeous, and the food was even better.  I had a steak salad with sweet potato wedges, it was just what I needed, a little bit of greens with some fries to make up for the lack of carbs in my meal :)

After lunch, we continued with our drive towards Kenmare.  The weather continued to get worse, and it did not make for a peaceful ride through the Ring of Kerry.  I did not enjoy the small curvy roads!  The views on the ride we stunning, though.  I unfortunately did not get any pictures because the rain was so bad!  In the early evening, we arrived to our hotel, Foley's, in Kenmare.  This was a great little B&B right in the center of the town.  We walked around for a little bit after we settled in, embracing the true, Irish, rainy weather.  The town was great!  It was so quaint, and everyone was so friendly.  Mom, Dad, and I stopped for some hot chocolate to warm up before dinner and it definitely hit the spot.  Eventually we ended up at P.F McCarthy's, a pub/restaruant in town, with Nana and Big B.  We were only going to stay for a short time to listen to some trad music, but that ended up into dinner!  I had a great beef and Guinness stew (very Irish, huh?).  It was a wonderful night of good food and music!

I could get used to my parents taking me out to dinner all the time...

Tomorrow is off to Kinsale, finally entering County Cork!

Be back soon!



A house in Adare, Co. Limerick. 

Killarney, Co. Kerry

Me with Mom and Dad at Torc Waterfall!

Torc Waterfall, near Killarney, Co. Kerry

Dinner at P.F. McCarthy's. 

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