Friday 21 November 2014

Sunny, Sunny Day!

So, I know I am going to make all of you east-coasters jealous, but, Wednesday was GORGEOUS out.  It had to be about 55 degrees and sunny.  I am liking this November weather!

Jane and I went into to the City Centre to meet up with Grace at O'Conaill's to catch up with one another.  We needed to exchange stories about Amsterdam and hear about Grace's trip to Prague and her upcoming trip to Budapest!  I hadn't been to O'Conaill's in so long and I forgot how good it was. Definitely a great study pick-me-up.  After catching up for a while, I walked around before heading to class.  The city was buzzing with people taking in the beautiful day.  I am going to miss this city when I am gone for a month (as well as the above freezing temperatures).

I skipped my evening class that night (oops) to work on a paper.  I am cracking down so I can finish and have some free time before heading home!  I want to have a few days to enjoy Cork and relax here for a little bit.  It is so hard to get work done here, though!  I really want to enjoy the Christmas decorations and stay in the City Centre as much as I can, but, I need to be disciplined at some point :)

It is weird not getting ready for another trip over the weekend!  But, I am enjoying the absence of craziness and packing.  I still cannot believe I only have a few more weekends left in Cork for the semester.  I know I have said this a million times, but I do not know what I would do if I did not have a year here.  The year is allowing me to really get to know Cork, as well and do some incredible traveling.  My time has been so awesome so far, and I cannot wait to see what other great things are coming my way!

Be back soon!



Milk and white hot chocolate :)

City Centre! 
A nice walk home from the gym. 

A gorgeous sunset. 

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