Tuesday 11 November 2014

A Magical Day

Saturday had a full list of touring in store for us in Paris!  It was our only full day, and Grace's official 21st birthday!!  We had no time to waste.

Our first stop of the day was Versailles.  It was very easy to get there from the city.  But, we had to make a pitstop at a bakery first.  How could we start our first day in paris without a croissant?  I had a chocolate croissant which was as good as I remembered them from my last time in Paris.  Once we had our croissant boost, we headed towards the RER stop near out hotel.  The RER is a Paris train system that would bring us to Versailles, and it was incredibly easy to use.  We stayed at Versailles for a few hours, and it was magnificent.  The palace was so grand and beautiful, the grounds were never ending, everything was incredible.  And to make it even better, we got in for free!  Since we are students studying in Europe for more than three months, there is no admission charge.  I have to say, birthday magic was pretty great!

After touring the palace for a few hours, we grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed back to the city.  We still had many places to see!  Our RER stop was right near the Notre Dame, so we went there as our first stop in the city.  It was crazy busy, so we could not go inside.  However, the outside was gorgeous.  The detailing was so intricate, and it was so big!  Maybe I will come back to Paris one day and go to the top :)

We then walked along the Seine River for a few hours looking at the trinkets from the street vendors, and just taking in the scenery.  I swear you could walk forever here and never get bored.  I was in such awe of Paris.  The city is beautiful, and even though it is a major city, you do not feel overwhelmed or cramped at all.  It is perfect.  

As we walked along the river, we saw that many of the street vendors were selling locks that you could write your name on and put on the Love Lock Bridge.  We thought that this would be an awesome idea, especially to commemorate Grace's 21st.  When we got to the Love Lock Bridge, we had a hard time finding a place to put our lock!  There are so many attached to the bridge that the wiring is starting to bust open and plywood is now covering a lot of the sides.  However, we managed to find a perfect spot!  

Once we finished moseying around the city for some time, we decided it was time to get dinner and celebrate Grace's day a little more!  we found an adorable, very, very small restaurant.  There was one waitress and one chef!  We had a fantastic meal and then sang "Happy Birthday" (in English!).  It was such a nice evening.  After we ate, we bought a bottle of wine and crepes, and headed to the Eiffel Tower to have one last "hoorah" for Grace's birthday.  I did not feel like my life was real.  I was eating a crepe with a glass of wine, looking at the sparkling Eiffel Tower right in front of my eyes.  This was truly an unbelievable day.

Be back soon with more details on Paris!



Now, those would be nice to have at your house (Versailles).


Me, Mikela, Grace, and Lauren at Versailles!


The Notre Dame and Me, Mikela, Grace, and Lauren.

Our lock (right over the blue one)!

We saw a wedding and could not stop watching them!  This WILL be me in Paris one day!

Hello, beautiful.

Happy birthday, Grace!


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