Wednesday 12 November 2014

Never Leaving Bed

Monday was a super lazy day.  Grace and I arrived in Cork at around 3 AM that morning from the airport.  Thankfully we made the 11:30 PM bus, otherwise we would have had to take the 1:30 AM one, which would have been horrible.  I have to say, I am not going to miss the Dublin bus rides when I am back home.  This, however, was my last trip to Dublin until I fly home for Christmas...crazy!

Since we got home so late, I decided not to go to my first class.  It was rainy and cold, perfect weather to stay in bed.  I unpacked and did a little work that was due later that day, and finally decided it was time to emerge from my room during the afternoon.  My roommate, Meadhbh, and I went to the veggie stand down the road and Centra to get some food.  I didn't need much to get me throughout the week because I was leaving again on Thursday!

After my grocery shopping, I went to class ( I couldn't skip all of them, even though I wanted to very badly), and then the gym.  It was turning out to be a great day, actually!  The sun was peeking out behind the clouds and there was no more rain!  I was pretty exhausted, so it was going to be an early night.  I have been so lucky to do all of the traveling that I have done, but I think I can say I have never been so exhausted in my life.  Leaving every weekend has been tough, but I have enjoyed every minute of my travels.  

Be back soon!



Right outside my apartment, I see the sun!

A great Monday perk on the gates of UCC.

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