Monday 10 November 2014

Start of the Journey

Thursday was such an ugly day in Cork.  The rain and wind was so terrible.  It was just one of those days you want to curl up in your bed and never leave.  BUT, I had to get ready for Paris, an amazing excuse to get goin'!

I had a meeting with a professor at noon on Thursday before my classes, which was very quick!  I had time to kill before my lecture, and did not feel like trekking back to my apartment in the rain, so I went to Cafe Depeche again.  It is such a cool little place, I thought it would be nice to sit and relax.  I enjoyed a great latte, which warmed me up in the cold weather!

In between my two lectures, I went to the gym to prepare for all of the crepes and baguettes I would eat over the weekend.  On my walk to the gym, there is a bagel shop,  I go by this all the time and it is so hard to not go in and get something.  But, on Thursday, I gave in!  I had no lunch food in the apartment, and I was in need of a good bagel.  I have to say, it was pretty good.  Not as good as Lox Stock...but a great substitute.  I think it is bad that I stopped at Bagel Box, because now I want it whenever I pass by!  I will resist the temptation because it will make my reuniting with Lox Stock that much better come December :)

After class, I gathered my stuff for Paris, and Grace and I headed to Dublin.  Our flight was really early Friday morning.  Mrs. Hallinan generously found us a hotel to crash in for the night before our early day of travel.  Thank goodness she did this because our last 6 AM flight to Belgium was pretty tiring not sleeping at all.

A great start to the weekend!

Be back soon!



Coffee is my addiction!

Gloomy Cork day. 

Bagel Box!

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