Thursday 20 November 2014

Cooking and More Cooking

Tuesday was a day of getting back into my groove here in Cork.  I had to get a lot of errands done to settle back into the apartment.  Now that my travels were done, I was going to have to com up with meals to cook for every night again!  I have to say, I do not love cooking.  I didn't inherit that gene Carolyn and my dad have of seeing cooking as fun...

In between my two classes, I went to the English Market.  I was going to do a big grocery run so I hopefully will not have to buy a lot of food over the next few weeks.  As I was walking into town, even more Christmas decorations were going up!  I seriously cannot imagine how the city could even find a place to put more up, but they managed.  There was a great big tree being decorated on Grand Parade, not as nice as Rockefeller, but a close second :)

After my classes, I came home, had dinner, and did some cooking.  Jane came over and hung out with me for a while while I cook, to keep me company!  I made Dad's chickpea soup recipe, which is definitely a staple meal for me here.  It is super easy to cook, freezes well, and always delicious, what else could I ask for?

I told myself I would get work done, but, surprise, surprise, I did not.  This seems like a trend here in Ireland for me...

Be back soon, hopefully having got some work done!



Christmas tree!!

Cookin' time

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