Wednesday 26 November 2014

Candy is the Finals Energizer

Prepping for finals has finally arrived.  Monday was first of many jam-packed working days.  But, it is so short-lived that I think I can make it through!

While I was in the middle of writing my paper on Monday morning, I received an email from the reception office saying I had a package.  I didn't order anything, so I had no idea what it could be.  Obviously, I ran right over to the office because I am such an impatient person.  I was so happy to see that it was from my family!!!! They were sending me a care package to get me through finals.  If that isn't the sign of an awesome family, I don't know what is :)  The package was filled with lots of chocolate (Reese's, Hershey's Cookies and Creams, and Peppermint kisses), Essie nail polish (my FAV), an iTunes gift card (to help me survive my next few trips), some fun bracelets, and a beautiful card.  It absolutely made my day.  I was in such a rut of writing papers, so this came at the perfect time.

After indulging in lots of candy, I went to class.  I had an exam in the class (Cultures of Cities) on Tuesday, and I was not very prepared, to say the least.  Class got me a little nervous for the exam, but when I got home I buckled down and got to business.  It was a looooong night of studying for me.  Nothing a little coffee in the morning can't fix!

Be back soon, hopefully I will have survived my first final!




UCC gets prettier and prettier.

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