Saturday 22 November 2014

Back to Oliver Plunkett

So, I jinxed it.  Friday was such a rainy day!!!  Luckily, I had a lot of work to do, so it made it much easier to stay inside.

I really did not do much on Friday at all.  I did not have any class, so caught up on sleep a little bit and organized my room.  After (slowly) waking up, I figured it was time to get crackin' on one of my papers.  I was writing my final paper for Social Geography, so once I finished that, I would be almost done with the class!  I cannot believe how fast time is flying by...

My paper was actually a really interesting topic.  I was writing about gender and how space in the world is gendered.  It definitely made it a lot easier writing about something I was interested in, unlike my Early Start class papers.  Knowing that this was all I had to do today made it a little harder to work efficiently, but hey, at least I was getting some work done, right (unlike the usual)?

At around 7 PM, Jane, Julia, and I went to the Oliver Plunkett to meet up with Nicole and her parents who were visiting until the 26th.  I haven't been to the Oliver Plunkett since my parents were here, so I was super excited to go!  Nicole's family ended up buying us dinner and drinks, which was so nice of them!  We stayed for a few hours because there was a great Irish band we wanted to listen to.  I was having such a fun time, and it was definitely a taste of home seeing someone else's parents.  Only a few more weeks until I see mine :)

It was back to work once I got home!

Be back soon!


More Christmas decorations going up in the City Centre!

A delicious dinner at the Oliver Plunkett.

Nicole and myself at the Oliver Plunkett!

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