Thursday 6 November 2014

Back in the Groove

Monday was back to my weekly routine.  I was definitely sad to see the weekend go, but coming home to Cork is always nice.  I feel like I have barely been in Ireland these past few weeks, so I am trying to soak in as much of Cork as I can when I am back there!

I did not have many groceries in the apartment, so Monday was definitely shopping day.  I have gotten a little lazy with cooking, and you can only eat eggs for so long!  I went to the English Market and picked up a few meals for the week.  When I was walking to the English Market, the shops on my street were setting up for Christmas!  I guess because there is nothing between Halloween and Christmas in Ireland, once Halloween is over the Christmas season begins.  I found it so funny to see window boxes still so full on one end of the street, and Christmas items on another...definitely a funny contrast.  Seeing wreaths and garland everywhere was definitely a little wieird, but I am a lover of Christmas, so I am not mad about it!

Once I was done with my errands for the day, it was time to make some dinner.  Monday was going to be salmon night, which I was very excited for.  Pinterest has been my lifesaver with recipes!  I made a honey dijon, garlic, parsley salmon with carrots and couscous.  It came out great, almost as good as Dad's cooking :)

A great start to my week! Be back soon!



Window boxes on one end of the road...

Christmas stuff on the other! 


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