Tuesday 4 November 2014

Prague is Here!

PRAGUE AT LAST!  The day I leave for Prague has finally come.  I cannot believe it!  Prague has been one of the number one places to visit on my bucket list, and I was actually going, at last.  My entire abroad experience so far has been one bucket list check after another, and at times I really need to stop and remind myself what my life is.  I am so lucky to be doing all of this, I don't know how I am going to part from it in May!

Thursday was not as early as some of my other travel days have been lately.  Jane and I were catching an 8 AM bus to Dublin for our 1:30 flight.  The bus to Dublin can be a little bit of a pain, but I am becoming very good about sleeping in the most uncomfortable of places, so it is not horrible.  We got to Prague a little bit after 5, and we were going to get the student bus to the city.  Jane, luckily, looked everything up in advance.  We made a good team!

We arrived at our hostel, Hostel ELF, a little after 7 PM.  I do not have the words to describe this place.  It was so weird, oh my goodness.  When you mix the weirdness of the Hostel ELF and Halloweekend, you find an even weirder place.  But, it got the job done, Jane and I had a private room with Wi-Fi, we were set.

We were starving by the time we arrived at the Hostel, so we thought we would treat ourselves to a nice dinner.  My best friend, Kelly, studied abroad in Prague a few years ago and she made us the most incredible list of places to to go.  There was everything you could think of, food, drinks, desserts, site seeing, and so much more.  Jane and I went to one of Kelly's suggestions, Cafe Savoy.  It was a fabulous dinner, and the perfect night we were looking for.  I had a duck and gnocchi dish for my dinner, and treated myself to chocolate cake for dessert.  Jane and I were calling this weekend our one year anniversary of deciding to go to Cork for our Study Abroad year.  This was just the start of our celebratory meals :)

It was a nice night, so Jane and I walked along the river for a little while.  Just as we were walking out of the restaurant, fireworks started going off across the river!  This was a sign it was going to be a great weekend!

Be back soon!




Dinner! I am being daring and trying local foods wherever I go--duck was a daring choice for me, but delicious!

Dessert :)

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