Wednesday 19 November 2014

It's a Wrap!

Sunday was our last day in Amsterdam.  It was such an awesome weekend seeing everyone from HC.  It definitely made me miss Holy Cross a lot, but I will be home so soon!  I also cannot imagine not being in Cork this year.  The semester is flying by!  I can truly say studying abroad has been the most incredible experience of my life, thank goodness I have a year :)

Most of the HC kids were out of the hostel by 6 AM.  Luckily, we had a later flight, so we still had a full day of touring.  It was Chelsea's birthday on Sunday, so we began the day by having a celebratory breakfast.  I had another Dutch pancake, this time it was an apple and honey one.  I am trying to bring the tastes of New England fall to Europe!  Breakfast was super delicious, and a perfect start to the day.

The weather was pretty gross out--rainy and cold.  This was a great opportunity to visit more museums.  Jane and I went to the Ruks Museum, which is sort of like the MET of The Netherlands.  We were there for two hours, but it felt like no time at all!  I was so lost in the art, there were millions of beautiful pieces.  My favorite exhibit was the photography one.  I have grown such a liking for photography since being abroad, so it was really interesting to me!

After the museum and walking around for a little while, we headed back to the hostel to pick up our bags and head to the airport.  The incredible weekend was coming to a close, unfortunately.  However, a major perk of going home, we were flying into Cork!  We were avoiding the three and a half bus ride, thank goodness!

We did not get home late at all, I think I walked into my apartment at 9:30.  This was such a nice change!

My travels for the semester were officially done.  I cannot believe it!  I am so fortunate to have done all that I did.  Including Ireland, I visited seven countries!  It is a little mind boggling, I know.  It'll be nice to have a weekend in Cork for the first time in forever.

Next trip, AMERICA!

Be back soon!



A photography piece from the Ruks Museum.

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